What do you mean be kind to your braces?
When we say be kind to you braces we are asking that you take cares of your orthodontic appliance so that your treatment process can go as planned. Dr. Wentz has determined braces are the best corrective option for you so we want you to take care of your braces. Taking care of your braces and following treatment instructions will help your achieve the best final results.
Here's how to be kind to your braces:
Brush and flossing daily

Avoid sticky or hard foods
Even though it may seem like the best foods are the foods that are sticky and/or hard, those foods can break a bracket or wire. An example of sticky food is laffy taffy and an example of hard food is hard shell taco. To see the full of foods to avoid click here.
Chew with the back of teeth
Taking a large bite of food with your front teeth can leave your braces vulnerable to damage. Cut large foods into pieces and use your back teeth to chew.
Wear your elastics
Elastics move the teeth in a direction they could not be moved using braces alone. Change the elastics routinely even if they are not broken. After a while, elastics lose their strength. Change them after each meal and before bedtime. If one elastic breaks, replace both sides. Carry extra elastics with you at all times. If you don't have enough to last until your next appointment, please stop by our office and pick more up or call us and we can send more to you. We don't want you to run out
Be mindful of wires and brackets

This summer we're giving out rewards for your kindness! Let us know about your act of kindness and you'll be entered to win cash prize up to $300! Enter in our office, tag us on social media using the hashtag #wentzkindnesscontest or email tamara@wentzmail.com. Contest ends August 28th, 2015.