Wednesday, June 19, 2019

2 Common Bites Orthodontics Can Fix

Our smiles are uniquely ours. However so is our bite. “In orthodontics, “bite” refers to the way the upper and lower teeth come together. A bad bite, called a “malocclusion,” happens when teeth meet improperly, or they don’t meet at all,” according to the American Association of Orthodontist.

There are various bites that affect how we speak, eat and our overall mouth. Two common bites, orthodontic treatment can fix is a crossbite and underbite.

A crossbite occurs when the upper teeth fit inside of lower teeth. Can be caused by misalignment of teeth or a misalignment of the bone; can affect a single tooth or groups of teeth. Your jaw may shift to one side if not corrected and wears down on your tooth enamel.

An underbite happens when the lower jaw sits in front of the upper jaw. An underbite impacts tooth wear and adds a stress on your jaw joints. Through orthodontic treatment, these bites can be corrected and help keep you healthy, beyond an aesthetically pleasing smile.


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  2. Thanks for taking the time to share this informative information on these two bites that need improvement to protect your dental health. Have a great day.
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